Burial Options
Gone... but not forgotten.
Gone are the living, but the dead remain, and not neglected; for a hand unseen, scattering its bounty like a summer rain, still keeps their grave and their rememberance green. ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Epitaph
"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living"~Marcus Tulliuis Cicaro

Casket Interment
Live Oak Cemetery District offers a variety of casket interment options. In the traditional side by side burial we offer both a Standard as well as a Deluxe interment option. We also offer double depth casket interments. Prices of these options vary, please contact us for a personalized quote.
Cremation Interment
Live Oak Cemetery District offers a few options for interment of cremains. We have niches, private family estates and in-ground interment spaces. Prices of these options vary, please contact us for a personalized quote.
Live Oak Price List.pdfLive Oak Rules & Regulations.pdf